About Us

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Our Story

From the world to you

During a rainy, muddy September festival in Atlanta, Mariah and Chris first met (2015). Mariah was still in college (Flagler College, St Augustine, FL) and Chris was on the road working festivals every weekend. On an off weekend Chris found himself in St Augustine and the magic really began. A few months later we took off on the road together experiencing car troubles and the adventure of the road! We worked together on an art installation where we mastered the craft of paper mache, dabbled in glass blowing, and traveled across the lower 48. When the festival season of 2016 came to an end we settled in New Orleans to wait out the winter. Mariah worked as a pantry cook in an incredible scratch restaurant to really spark her passion. Once springtime rolled around and mardi gras came to an end in 2017 we hit the road again landing in Taos, New Mexico.

We explored, we worked hard, and we ate some of the most incredible dishes while being immersed in some of the most insanely beautiful environments. Mariah learned more about baking and we acquired our now 80 year old(ish) sourdough starter. While living here Chris proposed, so we planned our New Orleans wedding, complete with a second-line and a trip to Tipitinas.

After a while in the southwest we decided we would like to start a family while being closer to our families so we moved east to Vermont. Some things just didn’t feel like home so we set our sights on Maine and we’ve never been happier. After a few years of working apart and hardly seeing each other we decided enough was enough, and the bakery was our solution. We are better together, and we are truly blessed to be a part of Bridgton

Artisan Baker / Executive Chef / Bakery Owner

Mariah Cann

Event Cordinator / Savory Chef / ★★★★ Dishwasher / Bakery Owner

Chris Cann

We Are Maine

local maine products

We moved to Bridgton four years ago and it was the best decision we’ve ever made. Every day since we have been fortunate to be a part of the growing Bridgton community, with opportunities and friendship popping up everywhere. Together we aim to work with other local businesses to provide meals sourced as close to home as possible. Through networking with local restaurants and farms we believe this dream to be possible.

Local Products We Stock

  • Swift River Coffee
  • Maine Root Beer
  • Maine Ginger Beer
  • Poland Springs Water
  • Fox Family Chips
  • Green Bee Sodas
  • Fresh Eggs
  • Local Blueberries
  • Wild Foraged Mushrooms